I would like to nominate Wyatte O'Steen to the Foxhunters Hall of Fame. He had a passion for foxhunting and played a significant role in the breeding and development of champion fox hounds for almost 50 years. He won numerous hunts throughout his career, with the most notable being the 1991 All American. He was also awarded the A.J. Nichols Lifetime Achievement award in 2000. It has been said that during the height of his field trial career, that probably 75% of hounds in America went back to his bloodline. He served on numerous boards where his knowledge and leadership experience were highly respected. He was also part owner of the infamous Sandsifters Fox Pen in Clarksville, FL. Wyatte passed away August 10, 2020, but the impact he made on this sport will continue to be seen for many years to come.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sky Scott
Thank you Danny Calvary is a blessing and the best hound I have ever hung a collar on. He did not need home pen advantage. I have never heard of another hound winning 2 bench feild and duals on 9 days rest. He was 1st speed and drive 1 endurance 1 hga at tar river 9 days later he was 3 speed and drive 1 hunting feild bench and dual. He Hga in Ga,Sc,Nc,VA and Kentucky. He win Speed and drive in some of the hardest running pens in the country and also won the speed ans drive on fox running. Calvary went on to win Feild and Dual at the 1st 150 dollar a dog Top Gun.
In total he won 3 feilds 5 duals and 13 bench championship.
He is a blessing praying that one day I will get another one as nice as he is
I would like to nominate a gentleman for the hall of Fame that meets every qualification that would be associated with this honor. He has been an ambassador for his fox hunting family for many many years. If this guy doesn't make young fox Hunters want to be a part of what we do then nothing ever will. Please help put Randy Frasier in the Hall of Fame