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Prophetic Dreams and Visions

We would like to know what the Lord is speaking and showing his prophetic people in this hour. This is a safe place to share your dreams and visions. In Acts Chapter 2 Peter preached the first sermon after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room. He said that in the last days the Lord was going to pour out His Spirit on all flesh. He went on to say that there would be dreams and visions and prophecy. According to Bible prophecy, we are living in the later part of those last days. People are receiving dreams and visions from the Lord like never before. This message board is provided for the edification and fellowship of those Christians that are hearing the Lord in dreams and visions. Remember to be patient. Sometimes the Lord doesn't provide interpretations right away. We don't want to rush anyone! Holy Spirit, speak your truth, in love! Amen!

Prophetic Dreams and Visions
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Re: Dream about taking over a Messianic Congregation or becoming a Pastor

The handcuffs is whats called binding and loosing, the three women bear witness of this. The two stars of david mean heaven and earth, its what it symbolizes, binding and loosing. The DVD is the one lession God gave you with this dream. The one solid evidance you have been given.

Dreams are outcomes, based on choices. You choices gave you this dream. One outcome of the dream my be this, though your supposed to wait for the right person to tell you, but your supposed to go look for the answer.

If God gave you a vision, you wouldnt understand it meaning. It would drive you nuts untill you found someone who could explain it to you because only you would know your vision was real. So God gives dreams for the same reason, so you will look for them. The right place only needs to be found to find the right person to explain it to you.

Re: Dream about taking over a Messianic Congregation or becoming a Pastor

When you went into the bath room that was the scripture, when i was a child i thought and acted like a child, but when i grew up i put childish things away. This is also Beholding in a dark glass dimley. When we are children we dont understand untill we can put ourselves in our parents shoes. This is a type of tranformation we all make growing up, its not done by a ourward apearance, its done from within.

there are two differant transformation, one is by life, and the other by spirit. Most of us only transform from life, we dont normally put ourselves in Gods shoes. We normally ask our parents what to do, not God. So the other half of the transformations are not normally done. They are done through the inspired word of God growing up, and has nothing to do with starting their own church.

Unfortunatley when we are inspired by God either by dream or vision, or his inspired word it normally shows vanity, because all is vanity, and not the outcome of the interpretation of the dream. Inspired by God we interpret the outcome of the dreams, and is not what you do, but what others are doing. Look and find.