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Prophetic Dreams and Visions

We would like to know what the Lord is speaking and showing his prophetic people in this hour. This is a safe place to share your dreams and visions. In Acts Chapter 2 Peter preached the first sermon after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room. He said that in the last days the Lord was going to pour out His Spirit on all flesh. He went on to say that there would be dreams and visions and prophecy. According to Bible prophecy, we are living in the later part of those last days. People are receiving dreams and visions from the Lord like never before. This message board is provided for the edification and fellowship of those Christians that are hearing the Lord in dreams and visions. Remember to be patient. Sometimes the Lord doesn't provide interpretations right away. We don't want to rush anyone! Holy Spirit, speak your truth, in love! Amen!

Prophetic Dreams and Visions
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Re: The Three Scrolls

Can christains be demon possesed? Thats what poped up. I couldnt actually tell if the person was telling the truth, or if their concepts were based on a self brainwashing or not. Not to be insulting.

Though the concept is known as being tested, like in the Lords prayer it says to keep us from the evil one, but some bibles say keep us from the test. To me he actually sounded like he was mad he put himself in that situation, and in fustration of wanting to brainwash himself got mad at jesus for putting himself in that situation, and called it demon possesion to justify his actions.

Most men have trouble explaining their emotions because its not something to do with problem solving. They dont know how, because they dont know it exists. Men are normally tought that women are the emotional ones, and we are lied to, to be more easily controled, so we dont know how to tell our emotions very well. We just know that if a man gets angry and we know him, to leave him alone for a while untill he gets over it, and then talk to him. Its unsaid, but we know it.

If we know God, we can still make mistakes because most of us dont wait for conformation of the spirit or to ask God in the first place if we can do something or not. He didnt wait to find out either way.

The devil has to follow Gods rules, because God made everything, so the only thing the devil can do is to misslead, and lie. More importantly getting us to do the same things. So he missleads us, just as God leads us. Telling the differance between the devil and God is no easy feat for anyone. The most important rules to remember is we have to go to God, and ask. We wait for conformation of the spirit even though we are taking a active role looking, and that brings about the answer even if we slip up. God never comes to us, and tells us anything outright. Only the devil comes to offer friendship, and friendship to open the door to come inside. Its symbolic that the devil wants inside us, to open a door, to befriend. This is not conformation. Another trick the devil likes to use is pretending to be God, giving false conformation as to the answer to prayer. This is not given by the spirit but within life that only seems that God gave it. If the devil ever should enter anyone, its to reinforce his lies. He will have someone without athority to come so that it will be big news, and get them to exorcise him out. Another trick is he will place himself where you will be going to manifest himself to you sacring you to others, so that you will feel safe, and in doing that you believe those people are good for you.

Nothing really terrible happend to the guy, except a bad feeling that he needed justification for.

A true born again experaince removes blasphemy, ridicule, blame, and swearing. In other words it wouldnt be in him to do that, because of the rule of learning and growing with God. But all in all its part of the growning experaince, and a person has to start someplace. If he is putting that much effort, for real into it, something should be happening for him by now.

I remember back when i started, and was curious about it, and made the efforts. I didnt understand a lot, and didnt understand the spirit has no words when those inspirations are given. Its why every religion has a different outlook on the bible, they just can explain it yet. When a angel would come to me, i didnt know it was a angel because no one knew how to explain the bible. When God gave me dreams no one was able to interpret them right because they didnt know how. When i had visions no one could tell me what they meant, but they were leading athoritys on the subject. It cant be hidden, people see those things and want to know why. But yet no one can explain them.

Demons are not to blame for everything, we make mistakes because we are human, and being human we must learn. Whats the meaning of life? To live it the best you can, and to learn. Thats what we are born for, that is our reason, and our purpose. We think. Then their is getting back to heaven where we came from, and we can only do that if we overcome ourselves, because thats the only hold the devil has on us. Its our vanity of purpose in Gods eyes, the devil thinks the same way. If we are honest with ourselves all the time, and when we dont know we ask God, we wait for God to answer, we keep our word and our agreements with him. The last supper is keeping our agreement, no matter what. The devil isnt a part of us, and he cant make us do anything. He can only influence our choices, by leading us in the wrong direction.

Think about it, Jesus is the example. Jesus said, its not what my father in heaven tells me to do, its what he shows me to do. Jesus going to the river, and John telling him that jesus should baptize him instead, Jesus would have failed. When Jesus got it right, he was confirmed. When cain and able made a sacrafice, it was Able who was confirmed. Nothing to get jeleouse about, but we learn that way.