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March 4th 2018
04:13:33 PM
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Phill Glanville

How did you find this Web Site?  

Googled \"Bristol Memories\" or some such

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Do you have any comments?  

Great website full of interesting nonsense and nostalgia ...there was an article in The Times this week about the proposed changes to Filton by a property developer of some note . Plan is to turn the airfield into housing and the Brabazon Hangar into a venue of some description ...hopefully there is an area in Hell reserved for their plans ...

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October 18th 2017
01:47:57 PM
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Ashley Beecham

Do you have any comments?  

I remember nearly all of your apprenticeship and work experience at the god old BAC. I was there at around the same time. Started my apprenticeship in 1975 and all your Tales and some of the people you mention are immediately recognisable to me. Great memories that I have many more to add. I enjoyed reading your memories. It brought back memories for me to. Thanks from Ashley Beecham

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March 13th 2017
11:07:28 AM
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Christopher John Haynes

How did you find this Web Site?  

Paul Henry via airbus email

Where are you from?  

Now living in Wrexham with Christine (disabled girl - typing pool)

Do you have any comments?  

Hi Mark,
It\'s been a long time hasn\'t it. I am now a decrepid 60yr old man, with pancreatitis (all the smoking and drinking wasn\'t a good idea after all I s\'pose, but it was great going out with you matey.
Sub-contractor at Airbus Broughton Aircraft Systems Test Dept since Feb1-2002.
I am glad you found a partner, I was 38 before I commmitted to marry Christine Cotterell (you probably don\'t remember her). We didn\'t split up, others did.
Your web page story about calling to me \"hey you wanka\" with me throwing my teddies out of my cot was me being THICK - I wish I hadn\'t behaved like that - I think you were(are) great Mark.
I am on Facebook - you have my email. If you need to \"dump yur load\", then by all means - go ahead.
Cheers for now Mark,
Chris Haynes

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November 26th 2016
08:58:11 AM
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John Herbster

How did you find this Web Site?  

Searching for \"wire girls\"

Where are you from?  

Texas and California

Do you have any comments?  

Was just nostalgically searching for \"wire girls\" as they were known at Hughes Aircraft Co. where I worked as an engineer in the 1960\'s.

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November 11th 2016
09:51:58 PM
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google images

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I saw one of your images on a random google image search and clicked through to your site. It\'s cool to see that personal sites like this are still up on the internet.

September 11th 2016
04:35:18 AM
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Simon Coad

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Wow fantastic memories here

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June 23rd 2016
07:06:53 PM
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April 11th 2016
09:45:18 PM
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Pengobatan Untuk Sembuhkan Dispepsia

Do you have any comments?  

Articles were very nice and good enough to be listened to or visit.
pengobatan untuk sembuhkan dispepsia

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April 10th 2016
11:06:51 PM
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pengobatan untuk sembuhkan radang selaput otak

Do you have any comments?  

it is a very good, very nice very useful..
pengobatan untuk sembuhkan radang selaput otak

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April 7th 2016
10:51:50 PM
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cara alami menyembuhkan periodontitis

Do you have any comments?  

Articles were very nice and good enough to be listened to or visit.
cara alami menyembuhkan periodontitis

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April 4th 2016
09:36:36 PM
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pengobatan untuk sembuhkan angina pectoris

Do you have any comments?  

I still liked this article, good, good content, and unique design.Thank you for sharing the article
pengobatan untuk sembuhkan angina pectoris

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April 4th 2016
09:31:42 PM
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pengobatan untuk sembuhkan telinga bernanah

Do you have any comments?  

Thank you
Nice website, the site is very interesting, a lot of helpful articles and the latest news that arouse interest. nice!!
pengobatan untuk sembuhkan telinga bernanah

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March 24th 2016
10:59:10 PM
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Pengobatan Untuk Sembuhkan Fatty Liver

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I still liked this article, good, good content, and unique design.Thank you for sharing the article
obat fatty liver tradisional

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March 21st 2016
11:06:48 PM
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cara mengatasi asam lambung naik ke kerongkongan

Do you have any comments?  

Articles were very nice and good enough to be listened to or visit.
cara mengatasi asam lambung naik ke kerongkongan

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March 21st 2016
09:53:35 PM
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obat penghilang infeksi jamur kulit tradisional

Do you have any comments?  

By the way, Thank you for sharing with us, and we sincerely hope you will continue to update or post other articles.
obat penghilang infeksi jamur kulit tradisional

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March 14th 2016
11:08:11 PM
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pengobatan untuk sembuhkan kehamilan ektopik

Do you have any comments?  

I still liked this article, good, good content, and unique design.Thank you for sharing the article
pengobatan untuk sembuhkan kehamilan ektopik

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March 14th 2016
09:58:56 PM
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obat pendarahan menstruasi berat (menoragia)

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Ini sangat menarik sekali untuk disimak, karena baru pertama kali saya mengetahuinya dan tentunya menjadi sebuah wawasan baru yang saya dapatkan
obat pendarahan menstruasi berat (menoragia)

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March 13th 2016
11:08:36 PM
What is your name?  

pengobatan untuk sembuhkan efusi pleura

What is the Title of your Web Site:  

Pengobatan Untuk Sembuhkan Efusi Pleura

Do you have any comments?  

so keep posting other new article.
pengobatan untuk sembuhkan efusi pleura

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March 11th 2016
10:12:46 PM
What is your name?  

pengobatan untuk sembuhkan infeksi lambung

What is the Title of your Web Site:  

Pengobatan Untuk Sembuhkan Infeksi Lambung

Do you have any comments?  

so keep posting other new article.

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March 10th 2016
08:21:50 PM
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bahaya penyakit ginjal bocor dan cara mengobatinya

What is the Title of your Web Site:  

Bahaya Penyakit Ginjal Bocor Dan Cara Mengobatinya

Do you have any comments?  

Thank you
Nice website, the site is very interesting, a lot of helpful articles and the latest news that arouse interest. nice!!
bahaya penyakit ginjal bocor dan cara mengobatinya

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