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DiVecchio/Frazzini Genealogy Guestbook

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May 20th 2024
09:45:39 AM
What is your name?  

john MICHAEL cassara

If your family is from Italy, what town?  

San Pietro Avellana

Do you have any comments?  

Grandfather ( Macele Carlini) married Jennieve Frazzini and came to US in 1920
through Ellis Island and ended up in Los Angeles, California.

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March 7th 2024
08:33:34 AM
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Parker D\'appolonia

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Was doing some research on the A&S these old websites always are neat. Always good obscure information on them

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January 4th 2023
01:10:57 AM
What is your name?  

Louis Ross

If your family is from Italy, what town?  

Montenero Domo

Do you have any comments?  

My father recently passed away in West Aliquippa. He moved back a number of years ago after deciding that he wanted to live close to where he grew up and had some of the best memories of his life. His name is John J. Ross (Rossi). Interested in hearing more about the area from the 1920s-1960s and anyone who may have grown up with him or knew the family (sisters Teresa, Mary and brothers Tony, Fred, Louis).

Thanks, Louis

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April 3rd 2022
02:20:01 PM
What is your name?  

Alton G. Hudson

If your family is from Italy, what town?  

No but I was stationed there for 4 years at Aviano around 1973.

Do you have any comments?  

My home was in Aliquippa, PA., and most all of my family worked at the J & L Steel Mill. My Grandfather was Thomas C. Morgan and he was the foreman of the \"Riggers\" that helped build the mill. Aliquippa was a great town and I miss it to this day.

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February 7th 2022
10:16:09 PM
What is your name?  

Larry Caracciolo

If your family is from Italy, what town?  


Do you have any comments?  

Lived on the South Side from 1960 until 1963, down by the Terminal Bldgs. In the mornings, I would always climb up (sneak up) to the attic and watch the J&L blast furnace flames on the horizon. I still recall the shift change whistle from the mornings. Family name from \"back then\" was Alviani. They all came over on the boat, pre-Depression era. On my mother\'s side, her father worked in the mills, live at 328 E Carson St. Last name was Koczeki. Nice Ukie name.

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June 20th 2020
07:32:48 PM
What is your name?  

Michele Pope Kastanes

If your family is from Italy, what town?  

San Pietro Avellana

Do you have any comments?  

I have found your website extremely helpful. I am trying to find pictures of some of my ancestors. Here is a quick list of them:

Antonetta \"Tonita\" La Bate of Ely, NV is my great grandmother.
My grandmother is Violet Marie Piccinini (daughter of Tonita and Dominic Piccinini).

I am looking for pictures of Domenico LaBate, Biagio LaBate, Annantonia Frazzini, Pietroangelo Frazzini, Assunta Maria Carlino, Carmine Carlino,etc.

Thank you for any assistance you can give me.

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March 29th 2020
09:20:28 AM
What is your name?  


If your family is from Italy, what town?  

Roma, Italia

Do you have any comments?  

My name is Carlo CAMPANELLI. My mother was Anna DI VECCHIA daughter of Lorenzino, son of Gianfelice, son of Pietro, son of Nicolantonio, son of Pietro, son of Vitantonio, son of Girolamo DI VECCHIA and Margarita CAPANNA.

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March 13th 2020
04:11:48 PM
What is your name?  

Karen DiIullo-Estabrook

If your family is from Italy, what town?  


Do you have any comments?  

I am the granddaughter of Pasquale DiIullo and Carmela Colaizzi. Pasquale worked on the Railroad in Ely, NV until getting called back to serve in the Italian Army during WW1. He came to America (Youngstown, OH) in the 20s with two of my aunts and one uncle. My fathers oldest sister, Gina DiIullo Mozzacco (sp?) lived in SPA all her life. She fled to the hills in WWII with her family and the rest of her town. thanks to your photos, I can see what she came back to.

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June 10th 2019
07:47:08 PM
What is your name?  

Helen D\'Ottavio Ruscitti

If your family is from Italy, what town?  

Father Patsy D\'Ottavio was from Valetta Berra

Do you have any comments?  

Dad was President of Sons of Columbus on Franklin Avenue. He along with many friends refurshed the Strand Theater into a beautiful club. His heart would break if he could see his beloved club and town now. This site was beautiful beyond words. Still wiping my tears

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May 26th 2019
03:24:01 PM
What is your name?  

Maria Carlino

If your family is from Italy, what town?  


Do you have any comments?  

Michael O\'Haire on familysearch solved the mistery about Sam and Pete Carlino, Denver crime family. I don\'t want to steal his job. Pete is GM4T-6H7 Sam is GMHQ-PHP. Ancestors from Lucca Siccula and Caltabellotta.

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December 6th 2018
10:50:10 PM
What is your name?  

Sergio Capanna

If your family is from Italy, what town?  


Do you have any comments?  

The History of Sant\'Eufemia a quite fascinating, I\'m trying to learn as much as I can about the region of my ancestors from Roccacaramanico.

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April 1st 2018
10:20:48 AM
What is your name?  

Jim Malecki

Do you have any comments?  

I stopped researching about 10 years ago because there was not much left to find.
But recently passed on some info to my brother and came across your site. You have done a great job and thank you for mentioning me and I especially like the excellent picture of St Patrick Church in Raton where my GPs wed in 1913. The best of everything to you. [ GP\'s were Croatian, family history in the Raton area mines dates from 1910 to about 1917 with my mom being born there.]

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January 20th 2018
11:42:02 AM
What is your name?  

Maria Carlino

If your family is from Italy, what town?  


Do you have any comments?  

I found your page doing some research about Sam and Pete Carlino. Very interesting, specially the family members remembering stories about \"lead poisoning\". Greetings from Argentina.

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October 6th 2017
08:49:50 AM
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Hello! I found your site while doing research on my maternal great grandparents. My great grandmother\'s name was Carmella Pollice and she married after arriving in the US and her married name was Longo. My great, great grandmother was Teresa Carlino.

Thanks for all your hard work. This is a great site!

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June 16th 2017
02:05:30 PM
What is your name?  

Robert D\'Jovin

If your family is from Italy, what town?  

Sant\'Eufemia a Maiella (mother) Elvira Di Pietrantonio

Do you have any comments?  

My parents lived in Aliquippa, PA. and they are both deceased now. My sister Catherine (D\'Jovin) Lalama still lives in Hopewell .
I have a cousin in NJ - Jack DeJovine that is doing genealogy work on the family tree and has made a few visits back to Italy and I plan on forwarding your email address on to him. Thanks for doing such a great job.
Robert D\'Jovin, Summerville,SC

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September 10th 2016
09:33:26 PM
What is your name?  

Anthony Crisi

If your family is from Italy, what town?  

Ripa Fagnano Alto, Province of L\'Aquila

Do you have any comments?  

My aunt Adeline Antonucci Francona was from West Aliquippa. She had brothers. One of her brothers was Guy Antonucci. I would like to learn more about Adeline\'s parents and siblings, if possible. She was always proud that she was selected to play the part of Mary in a Christmas play at St. Joseph\'s Church.

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August 25th 2016
11:24:38 AM
What is your name?  

Lorilee Ressler

If your family is from Italy, what town?  

Sant\'Eufemia, Italy

Do you have any comments?  

Yes, I\'m the grand daughter of Camillo #2 from McKees Rocks, PA. this is really interesting stuff. My cousin was Rosemarie Andrews. My grandfather was Peter (Pietro) brother of her father Diamonte. Peter had two children Charles and Lucille both born in McKees Rocks.

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June 29th 2016
02:21:01 PM
What is your name?  

Germaine Cunningham

If your family is from Italy, what town?  

SanPietro Avellana

Do you have any comments?  

My Grand Mother was Mary Mastroianni from SanPietro, daughter of Sabatino Mastroianni. There also was the Antonio Izzi relatives. My Grand Mother, her Mother and Sister came to the United States and lived in Youngstown, Ohio. My Great Grand Mothers husband and son proceeded, them to the U.S.. The year had to be in the late 1800\'s?

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April 8th 2016
11:45:06 AM
What is your name?  

Jerome Lambe

Do you have any comments?  

I worked in JL in 1984 and 1986 as an Union electrician working on the new belt system back then. I often remember and tell my family of the experiences I had working there. So good to see these pictures of the plant again. I have retired now and live at the Southern Jersey Shore. I still remember the COLD winters spent there. Best wishes to all that worked there.

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October 29th 2015
09:11:38 PM
What is your name?  

Frank Tursi

If your family is from Italy, what town?  


Do you have any comments?  

This is a very nice to do and I hope it stays up, I also hope you don\'t mind I use your grandfather for a school project poster.

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