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Re: $1.00 per dog

That is a good idea for the dollar a dog, but how about every pen in every state make it mandatory that if you want to run in an affiliated hunt or any hunt at that pen and you are a resident of that state then you MUST be an up to date member of your states HUNTING DOG ASSOC.Just an idea! What do yall think?

Re: $1.00 per dog

I think for it to work with the best results we need to run it along the lies of the National Wild Turkey Federation. Have smaller chapters throughout your home state where it can be broke down and no one missed ,we need deer camps to urge their members to join and the only way to contact these folks is to start at the grassroots. For example, we did have a organization going here in Ark for a couple years that was I think the Ark Dog Hunter Ass by name , our deer hunting lease passed a rule that you had to be a member in good standing of the State Assoc in order to pay your dues for deerhunting. Not a big item but it got 15 or so members that were just more or less still hunters involved that would prob never have been involved if not for that rule.Just think how many more members would that involve rather than just your active field trialers or "fox hunters" and "coon hunters". There are prob 20-30 deer hunters in Ark that run deer dogs for every "foxhunter" The possibilities are great if we just put our shoulder to the wheel and push.

Re: $1.00 per dog

You are right when I was a kid we used to have several barbeques and bench shows here in Ar , take up a Friday or Sat evening and raise money, if you had three to four a year it could raise a good deal of money without to much effort

Re: $1.00 per dog

I don't field trial much but I will donate a $1.00 for every dog and pup in my kennel.

Re: $1.00 per dog

Derek, I thought at one time I saw on here that you were part of a national hound hunters assoc. I agree that the local chapter thing is a good idea. If we can get all houndsmen involved it would be great. It is foxhounds now, it was bear and lion hounds before, it'll be coon or rabbit dogs next who knows. We do need to group together because divided we fall. Aaron and I were talking about Ted Nugent the other night about how he was saying no matter what kind of hunting you are involved in to support the kind the next guy is involved in because they (anti's) are coming after all of us.

P.S. Like Aaron said Ted is a little radical but that may be just what we need because the people that are killing our sport are more than a little radical.

Ted Nugent for President
Charlie "What this World Needs is a few more REDNECKS" Daniels for V.P.

Re: $1.00 per dog

I spoke with Jan and he meant for his reply to be a challange to all hunters not field trials---

Re: $1.00 per dog

Will we are in the prgress of getting everything together to put on such a hunt in Andalsuia,Al

Re: $1.00 per dog---50/50 raffle

I think it is a great idea.

I would also include a 50/50 raffle at each hunt, with proceeds going towards hunting associations.

I would also like to see all foxpens make it manditory for the $1 per dog and create a foxpen sign up page on this website showing which pens are in compliance.

Maybe at the end of the year have a special award for foxpen owners and/or hunting organizations who donated certain ammounts.

Re: $1.00 per dog---50/50 raffle

Randy some of this already being done but problem with the awards are some pens draw bigger numbers of dogs than others but I agree all that do the $1.00 per dog should be reconized.We need this from the north to the south and east to west all hunts and pens should jump on this.

Re: $1.00 per dog---50/50 raffle

I totally agree that some pens draw bigger crowds than others, thats why they should be recognized because they would be donating more.
its all for the same cause, no loser...I take that back, we all will be losers if we dont do something.

If a list was made on which pens are willing to comply to the $1 per dog, I believe they would draw more dogs to their hunts, just my 2 cents.

Re: $1.00 per dog---50/50 raffle

This is kind of a disapointment that I have not seen another hunt that would say they would join in with this effort except the ones Dupree said. Yall just sit back and thats what we all will be doing every night and weekend.

Re: $1.00 per dog---50/50 raffle

where will all the money be sent too, or will it be direct deposit to a specified account?

Re: $1.00 per dog---50/50 raffle

The account is still in the works.

Re: $1.00 per dog---50/50 raffle

I think most if not all hunts will follow suit I can't see them not giving to a parent or national org that we form to protect our rights. I know we need to get busy and believe it or not people are already on it There is a lot of work to be done a lot of rules and regulations by laws etc to be written it will happen it just takes time and we are all wishing and wanting for something to be done now and it's only been two business days since this all took place Lets see where we are at by the end of next week

Re: $1.00 per dog---50/50 raffle

SHRA hunt raised over $300 dollars to the winnner of the 50/50 at Tar River today. The winner donated his portion to the fund. That made over $600 donated in less than 1 hour of work.

Re: $1.00 per dog---50/50 raffle

Randy that is great and hopefully more hunts will join in. All of this is a step in the right direction.

Re: $1.00 per dog---50/50 raffle

D&Bfox pen will donate on all of our affiliated hunts for the remander of the year good luck down there.Need info on where to send it.

Re: $1.00 per dog---50/50 raffle

To all associations that are to be collecting a $1.00 per dog or are going to give a donation please hold all money collected in your club or association bank account until an account for this can be set up. Hopefully someone will post on the messsage board all information yall will need, until then keep gathering cause we will need lots of money to keep this fight going and for the future. Thank you for all your support.