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Re: Buckville may never be the same

David did you say you would jump in the lake if you place a dog?

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Make sure hes wearing his coveralls.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Deer Hunter thats what I said

Re: Buckville may never be the same

him or the 10 man posse of tuff e nuff kennel?

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Be careful about predictions, Runt Kidd, Jerry Hartwick, Midsouth, and the Great Todd Noles all have numbers. Runt is also got some of his buddys some numbers, and the bulls eye is on you Rowten aka the Wrath.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

JJ said he had his ready to roll and I got a little gyp off of a fellow that said she was pretty good. He just did not like the spots. The only time I have got to run her she put Ole Wheel Bearing in the dog Box in about 2 hours and was looking straight at the flag of that deer everytime I saw her. She impressed me. I just hope she can impress the Judges at Garland County.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

I am sorry but i will have to miss this one.My little three year old is having back surgery at childrens hospital the following monday.I have got too much to do to get ready to be at little rock for over a week.My daughter was gonna run some of my dogs but randy hasn't got enough room for her to stay.Please keep cayden in your prayers and hope you all have a great hunt which i am sure you will.The good lord willing i will be at the ouachita ready to roll.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Todd our prayers are with Cayden and your family. Things like this put life back to it's true meaning. I pray to see all of you guys at Lake Ouachita. Please keep us up dated on how things go. I guess I need to let everyone know that the doctors think the mass in my nephews brain which is very small will go away on it's on and that he had some type of nerve issue they are treating him for and things seem to be doing better. Take care of your family Todd that's what God has called each of us to do. God Bless you and yours.

Re: Buckville may never be the same


Re: Buckville may never be the same

Todd we will pray for Cayden and hope for a full recovery besides Bratton will give you a play by play of the hunt in HD Tv

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Hey Darrel Dewayne come to Buckville and will see who the real Sheriff is

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Johnny sounds like I am beat from the start but you know IT OVER TO THE FAT LADY SINGS and she aint comeon stage yet so you better buy some popcorn because it may be a long performance

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Carl has spoke the word. Like EF Hutton everybody listens, if 3 places all ya goin in the lake. I have B-Games that evening, so soon as Trophys given out, if ya win, where goin straight to the lake. Unless where all singing with the (politically correct) lil heavy woman.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

I've got family things to attend and those are a lil more important than a dog race, but I can promise you we will meet up one day at a hunt. and I can guarantee you all this chirping and singing about this silly mess you have been talkin about winning at all these hunts will stop. truth be known I have never even heard of you until right before you started jabbing about the scott county hunt.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Just like I suspected Chicken Chicken Chicken Little Frog Horn Leghorn CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Dont get mad at Darrell, Hes just backing out cause he knows hes beat before he gets there, just like u did at circle t last week.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

One Who Knows why dont we meet somewhere and take care of this smart mouth

Re: Buckville may never be the same

settle down big boy

Re: Buckville may never be the same

trust me rowton you dont want none.If I did meet you somewhere how many people you have made mad they show up and you would get azz kicked so bad you would quit hunting so you wouldnt get laughed at.But then again you wouldnt even so up anyway so quit running your mouth before we do meet and you get your azz kicked so keep poping big mouth before I shut you up.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Not taking sides but he will post his name. S.R.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Well Pilgrim that worries me so much I almost choked on the ice cream I was eating Im so scared that I cant stop laughing

Re: Buckville may never be the same

I wish ya would quit getting lil Davie mad, he didn't sleep at all last night. Wait he has 9 other foster brothers, thats goin to look out for him.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Moma get off the computer, now.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

I dont know who you are but my moma and 9 stepbrothers will be at Buckville this morning ready to rumble punk so get there by Plane Train are automobile and back up your mouth Punk

Re: Buckville may never be the same

chicken chicken bak bak chicken david is a chicken chicken

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Mr. Rowton, We all listened to you ramble for three weeks about the wrath, the least u could do is tell who won and placed .

Re: Buckville may never be the same

i heard earlier today that tha noles's took 1st and 2nd in tha derby and jerry hartwick took 1st in all age

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Did tuff nuff swim?

Re: Buckville may never be the same

39 head place 1, not rowtons, no swim

Re: Buckville may never be the same

39 head place 1 but because of mistake in scoring the 1 was bumped from the top 10, So 39 head place O (ZERO).

Re: Buckville may never be the same

NO COMPRINDAE?????????????

Re: Buckville may never be the same

It means they ran 39 head and they placed 0.

Re: Buckville may never be the same


Re: Buckville may never be the same

The fire department, for the Wrath wasn't used. The boys are not back in town.

Re: Buckville may never be the same


Re: Buckville may never be the same

boy's i don't want to get in to it with anyone on here but we did not run 39 dog's don't know where u got your # but it's wrong i will say this that we went- we ran- we got out run - where were some of you - oh that's right you were at home causing trouble on the web site. the way we look at it is go have fun if you place that's just a plus if you dont then, pick up and go on.at least we support the hunt. i will make a note of something yes we got the inside info. on cell phones.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

If ur goin to hav fun and support the hunt.Don't mak all the bold statments before hunt. If your bringin "the wrath" and needn a fire dept. to put out bucktown. U better go get in that azz. Just the way I see it. The mens names that are in the results - never got on here and offered no whuppins.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

the kennls did not make promises so we don't have anything to reply to all we said was that IF WE PLACE THREE DOG'S WE WOULD GET WET WE SHOWED UP DID YOU

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Carl don't weary bout it, just make a prediction on the Lake Ouachita, so we can move on, and have fun again. So how many, and what will ya do if you win Lake Ouachita?

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Mr. Bratton, I believe you have a little stuff stirrer in you too. I have enjoyed reading all of this though. If you could goad 'em into another round. Then sit back and take a few pokes at 'em.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

I like it, it is my downfall, I like to kid with the best of them. Makes a week go by fast, can't wait to read the next mornin, how bout you?

Re: Buckville may never be the same

well i could make some kind of bet, if we place three are more we will paint all the dog's at both fall hunt's. but if we just place one than all these guy's that don't post there name has to stay off comp. and i know that's not going to happen

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Yeah, I like reading it all. It's like a soap opera to me. There's drama, intrigue and accusations of cheating. It's got all the ingredients of a good soap opera.

Re: Buckville may never be the same


Re: Buckville may never be the same

Some people need to remember this. Larry the Cable guys 23rd Saying
23. Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Happens alot on here.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Yeah, I heard that there was one who would'nt stop telling the judges where his dog's were going to cross at. I hope he will stop talking on radio at Ouachita.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Mr. Ten Mile are you making some acusations because i judge alot and hunters yell at me all the time about a race going on. But you still need to have a dog that can get on the firing line to get any points just because you got one in the race dont mean he is up enough to get any points. S.R.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Turn 220 dogs loose that scatter their is alot running the front that never gets a look also when everyone (judges) gets pulled in by hunters on the Radio. All judges want to bring in big scores but when all judges get in the area around all the roads around the knob with all scores counting you don't stand a chance anywhere else. Look at where the last several winners where scored at and you will see. Just my opinion we all have them and most stink.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

10. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Who was the one on the radio?

Re: Buckville may never be the same

Friday i was over by Rickey Bates house on a pack of dogs then i ended up on the hack road the rest of the day i only scored 2 dogs more than once Friday and 3 dogs more than once Saturday i never even went to the knob either day.But in an outside hunt it is very hard to cover all areas but we do the best we can but i will assure you of one thing it was done fair to the best of our abilities if the pay wasn't so good i would quit doing it i got a couple of free hamburgers and a fish dinner but i enjoy doing it but people are gonna b**** that is just the way it is. S.R.

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