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Re: Re:CD

good question and glad you asked my "closet campaign manager" (fred). I haven't been to the national in 3 yrs and never been to the spring meeting nor am I a director, or shareholder in the chase. Asking me is asking me about hearsay b c I don't know anything other then what I been told about who is in charge or next in line at the national. I think barry hilton, jeff brincheck, and charles graham can help you more then me fred! Geddyup
hill city
ps i dought fred doesn't know who is in line and whats going happening the other side the trench's. all generals have a spy behind the enemy lines calling back to HQ from a shoe phone!

cary don

cary don why didn't you come to the all american 2 weeks ago and support your friend?
hill city

Re: cary don

because i was supporting AR/LA/TX the week before, which i am a director of. plus, don't have any dogs to run 4 days!

Re: cary don

man it sure was alot of running in both places i think. alot of game in harrisville.
hill city

Re: cary don

Now Hill City you have to remove your head from the rectum of Verlying before you can hear what he says. You know all the ins and outs, who you tryin to fool.
Giddy up yee haw

Re: cary don

almost forgot .... Hill City 2012!!!!

Re: cary don

Well I bet Fred knows more about what's going on inside the Nationals than he will ever tell any of us and I don't care if he does. What's important is for us to elect a leader that can bring us together. This is not the man. We are starting to divide in a time when it has never been more important for us to unite. Listen to me or laugh at me the choice is yours.