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Re: ~Rea's Lick~


Re: ~Rea's Lick~

Lick has some of the top names in the breeders circle in his pedigree..,Hemphill, Hales, Woodpecker, Hurley, Bushley Creek, just to name a few.

Re: ~Rea's Lick~

coach didnt i see on here one time where u make blowing horns

Re: ~Rea's Lick~

I do occasionally. Getting hard to find the horns you need. I have a few now. What are you looking for?

Re: ~Rea's Lick~

not really sure, just one to maybe put up and keep could u post a few picts of them really intrested in buying one

Re: ~Rea's Lick~

I'm so lookin for 1 or 2 also- got my dad sending me some horns to try n make a couple for my kids if I don't happen up on something. My little girl is 17 months & she's been practicing- she will toot on a big suveniour drink straw or a toilet paper roll basically anything she can get a noise out of.

Re: ~Rea's Lick~

Ok. Let me gather up what I have made up already and what horns I have that haven't been made yet. Will try to get some pics and post on Masterfox. I may put them on another post. Could be a few days though.

Re: ~Rea's Lick~

I noticed that the date on the pics from the camera all show 4/25 or 4/26. Guess I need to reset something on my camera. All of the pics were taken on 6/30/2013. Don't want anyone to think I'm putting old pics on here and trying to mislead anyone... Have had several calls and text messages since posting this. Thanks to all who have called and shown interest.. I have had several wanting to know if the dogs other than Lick that are pictured are for sale. I guess they are if someone wants them bad enough.. The 11 month old male is sold even though I had planned to keep him. I have had several good conversations with folks that I hadn't met. Its nice to know that foxhunters can talk to another hunter that we have never met but still have so much common ground to talk over...

Re: ~Rea's Lick~


Re: ~Rea's Lick~