Will have 5 pups for sale in a few weeks!
4 males and 1 female! They will tough fast track running dogs! 2012 Mo St f CH McCollum's Jaeger x McCollum's Cricket. Jaeger is Thistle hill Brutal on top and Packman bred on the Bottom. Cricket is Slinger H bred. Jaeger is a full litter mate to our Bob dog that is doing so well this year! They have just run loose from home there entire life. Cricket is a good outside dog. 125 a piece give me a call or text 402-637-4798 thanks Chase!
Going to donate a pup to the Missouri State for the auction. I have 3 males and 1 female left for sale. 2 males are blanketback and the other is spotted. The one female is spotted! 75 a piece or 125 a piece! I want these pups to get out there to see if he produces is why they are so cheap!!