Because of my wife having six Surgeries due to aggressive breast cancer, must cut back on a few hounds! Call for info! 228-326-8950 please keep her in prayer she's started chemo and having a rough time thanks!
I will put your wife on our prayer list at church. I pray that The Lord will give her a healing. I pray that The Lord will give you strength as you go through this with her. To God be the glory. Jon Lashley
Thanks to all the hunters that have held her in prayer! It's hard to see ur soulmate suffering! All hunters please encourage ur wives to have regular mammograms ! My wife has been faithful in going every year , and within ten months from her previous checkup the cancer hit her hard! If she would have skipped this last mammogram there would have been NO chance for treatment! Thanks again to all that continue to pray and that have called me in support! And to all that have visited and aquired some julys!
Have a derby male that got stiff ,same as stahls red man ( off wigs pink t x oak ridge ronnie sister) that can be bred to ! He's a tough track runner good mouth.
All previous dogs gone, have a yellar t gyp bred to pooles pistol and a yellar t gyp bred to oak ridge ronnie. Thanks for all calls in support and prayers for my wife! Please hunters be persistent in getting ur wives to have annual checkups, in my wife's case it's the only reason she still here! Ive had several guys tell me their wives have never been at all to get checked! They surgeon told me that about one in eight women will become a victim! That's not good odds! So please men, encourage the one u love, to take that annual step for a checkup! Thanks again!
I want to say thanks to all that has called, text, and held up my wife in prayer! I ask that each of u that attend church this morning to place her on the prayer list! She is really going thru some horrific times right now! As I lay beside her last night , I kept my hand on her head , continually praying asking God to touch her hurting body ! To see the one suffer that is ur soulmate ,is a pain ,that I wish no man to ever have to bare! I'm trusting God to deliver her from this affliction and to give testimony to his divine healing power! The bible said if any two shall touch and agree that it shall be done of the father which is in heaven ! I know that there's strength In Numbers and once again thank u for joining with me in prayer! A man should never find himself in a place where pride separates himself from God! I've had so many responses from men that is now encouraging their wives to be checked annually and also being checked themselves! Listen if it helps save one life ,than I feel God has spoken thru me for his glory ! I've been in Houston with her having treatments and helping her with the sickness that follows, so if I haven't returned ur calls pertaining to hounds I'm sorry. Should be home after Wednesday so feel free to call back ! Thanks once again ! God Bless!
Thanks for all prayers and calls , I showed my wife all the texts in her support and she personally says thanks!!! She is struggling but has a positive attitude and believes in the one that can heal !!! I will be letting a few more hounds go and also taking bookings for pups off stahls Redmans full littermate sister. Raised and trained them together ! Probably April 5th will have a few stud dog owners bring their stud dogs and let people listen to them run one at a time ! It surprises me the dogs that are called stud dogs that can't run nothing by themselves! Will cook and have a good time ! Anyone wishing to bring their stud hound contact me ! The studhounds must be able to jump own game ( no man driving ) to jump game for them! Will be interesting for sure to see some hounds being bred to ! Thanks god bless !
Just want to take the time to say thanks for all the prayers and calls supporting my wife! I hope that each of u hunters have took the time to encourage ur wives to be checked! That one appointment could very well save her life! And trust me that's the only thing that has given my wife a fighting chance! Last week she started bleeding bad but is under control for now, so please continue to pray for her and place her on ur church's prayer list ! I greatly appreciate it ! Thanks to the ones calling wanting hounds ! I will be continually downsizing for a while. Will let a few gyps be bred to wigs pink t ! He is still rough on a Yote if it stops! I do not know of a hound anywhere that has caught more or hates a Yote worse than him ! For references ask Fred or Larry hale ! They know him personally ! Please call ahead if u have a gyp coming in u want to breed! He's old but still don't need Viagra ! Have leased several male dogs off him to good hunters that are liking the pups their getting ! Thanks again god bless!
Very interested in a pup or two. have any unstarted pups out of hales? if so can you give me a call when you have time? thank you chris minekennels 716-280-8404
I continually appreciate all the prayers and calls supporting my wife . She is having chemo as I type this! She is keeping a positive attitude and is claiming a healing miracle in Jesus name! Any of u hunters that attend church please place her on every prayer list u know of! I'm very thankful to all that do! My wife is a special person that has ministered and touched many lives. She is now with other ladies with cancer , reaching out by internet trying to upgrade ,awareness for women to be checked regularly ! I know I keep encouraging this but if u could see what my wife has gone thru already ,and what she still faces , u men would personally make a appointment and carry ur wives to be checked!!! Also have ur self checked , I myself ,have done had prostate surgery ! Thanks for ur time. I apologize to the ones wanting to breed to wigs pink t while I've been gone ! Will be home all next week so call ahead for appointment ! Will limit breeding due to his age but has no problem breeding whatsoever! Also will let a few gyps be bred to pooles pistol , he's a tough fast track running machine ! For references and people that has ran with these old males just call. Thanks God Bless!
Thanks again for support and prayers! The progress on my wife at the present time has declined and her treatments doubled! Her percentage is about 18 to 19 percent! But that's where faith begins ! I'm trusting GOD to provide total healing and a testimony of his power! Just think we all breath because he allows us to! And everyday we are alive we should humble ourselves and thank him! Often we get so caught up in everyday situations we forget what's really important! Trust me I have fallen short more than most, but I have never forgotten who has kept me! When I was younger I lived in Isreal for awhile and it changed my whole perspective on life! I love hunting as much as anyone got my first hound from my grandpa when I was ten, that was forty years ago and have kept them ever since. But I tell all u men ,never put it Before what's important , God and ur family! My wife is priority now so anyone calling, if I don't respond ,I apologize because I'm at the time taking care of her! I know several are still wanting gyps bred and hopefully I'm home when their ready if not I will try to makes hounds available thru a friend. Just call ahead or text me. If I'm home ur welcome to come run with some off either hound! Thanks and God Bless!
I've had two good hunting friends pass away in last several weeks ! one sonny Everett which I gave oak ridge smokey to and he kept till he couldn't hunt no more and then let Larry and Fred hale keep him for several years ! He was a dear friend and true houndsman not a field trialer ! He use to tell me he had ears and didn't need no one to tell him what his hounds was doing! I let shine Simmons and Chris Loper move smokey to their kennel and breeding program! The other was me Henderson who hunted outside died last Friday in his forties! Both outstanding men that I will miss dearly! Please continue to pray for my wife her condition is not getting better! Thanks so much for all calls and prayers!
Thanks again for prayers for my wife! I've been with her this week and will be returning home next few days. They have given her such strong treatments that the skin on bottom of her feet has came off! She still remains strong and faithful to God and his healing power! She says her faith stands not in the wisdom of men but the power of God!!! And will continue to claim her healing in Jesus name! Men please have ur wives checked u do not want to see the one u love face this situation! Let's admit it sometimes we get so caught up in the routine of life we forget about what's most important! So just take the time men to encourage ur wives to be annually checked! Could be the smartest move u ever made! Thanks again ! God Bless!
Just got back from Houston today been there with my wife for past week. She has two weeks left of chemo out of the seven months she was given . Then she has to take ninety days in a row of radiation! Please continue prayers for her she is very weak and fatigued! They said if she finishes all her treatments her percentage is eighteen to nineteen percent ! But I'm still trusting God for a divine healing! Thanks again for all calls and concerned hunters!
I want to say thanks to the ones that have continued to pray for my wife! I'm in Houston tending to her now and she wanted for me to send her personal thanks also! Her mom ,sister and several friends have rotated with me in staying with her. She finished seven months chemo and is approaching the third week of radiation that will last everyday for three months! I still encourage all u men and hunters that read this to please take the effort to get ur wives checked!!!! It may just be the smartest move u have ever made for her and ur families ! If my wife would have not gone when she did and put off the exam ,she would not be here beside me now! We all at some point in our life's journey, will face trials , of pain and disparity ! Just know that u have a healing God, that is able to work miracles! I've placed my wife in his hands and trust him to continue ,in comforting my spirit! Please I ask to continue to pray for her (Lynette) and place her in each of ur churches prayer list this morning as u attend! Thanks !