We have a solid red gyp with white points on her back feet that was whelped on 12/29/11.She goes back to Scott's slop jar, Fred hales ghost, wibs hornet stinger j, Normans red legs, 2x Gordon's squealer, streaking stickman, mark Hellums,hoehners action cat, turkey Turk s $300. Two big fine red pups whelped on 1-28-14 that go back to Scott's slop jar, Normans red legs, 3 crosses of wibs hornet stinger j, 2 crosses of top notch red eagle, woods smoking joe, osteens flash dancer, 2 crosses of red jack jet,Fred hales ghost, 2 crosses of streaking guinea d. $150 each firm. For more information call 228-363-0121 or text 228-216-4951.