These dogs belong to Paul Frazier. Paul doesnt mess with the internet much so im just helping him out. You need to CALL him with any questions. Please no text or e-mail. 660-341-5140.
Dog 1. July male. Sold to me not to run a deer. So far he hasnt.
Dog 2. Extra. (Call Paul)
Dog 3. Grey july female. Fast front end hound that is fighting well. 2 yrs old.
Dog 4. Red and white female. Fights hard, from great track running females, 2 yrs old. (SFSB)
Dog 5. BWT spotted female. This female is a fast track running machine, she was campaigned by 747 Kennels, she won, and placed in many speed and drive hunts.
Dogs 6&7. 2 black and tan males. 5/8 july, 3/8 walker. These dogs have been campaigned by me in several fox pens. They have placed in top 5 several times, 13 months old. Fast front end specials. (SFSB)
Dogs 8-10. 3 males, 17months old, fast track running hounds. Good big loud mouths, are fighting hard. These are as good as ive had for sometime. Litter enrolled in the horn
I have several young dogs that have been entered in the chase futurity. They are very hard hunting, and have speed to burn. Many have placed high in pup hunts, they have also been hunted outside. If you want to attend the Futurity in Grenada, MS, I have what it takes to let you compete with the best! I also have many other dogs that are special. I hunt 4-5 days a week, I wont cheat you, I do require a deposit to hold these dogs. They will be just as I describe them. I might deliver if enough dogs are purchased. PHONE CALLS ONLY PLEASE. 660-341-5140.