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male dogs for sale

1. Owl Creek Buckshot whp.9-9-15
B/T male dog. Big dog been run in the pen mostly. He has fair speed but plenty tough. More of a 3 day dog. He is out of M&S Ruger X Corys Ms. Special. 250.00

2. Red male out Big Creek Sam X PS little red whippet. whp.8-15-16.This dog willrun up front and have his share of crossing for 3 to 4 hours . He is a small frame male dog. 300.00

3. Pinedale Soup. BWT. male with average speed and can run inside or out of the wire. I ran him all deer season. He is out of pinedale stump x chrestmans crybaby. 250.00

These are good dogs just got to many males and have got alot of pups on the ground to start

call 662-552-7712

Re: male dogs for sale

Dog #2 is sold